Sunday, November 05, 2006

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Send as much of your work as you want, though I recommend you only send a handful of what you feel is your best. Try not to send anything too long. Use your best judgement. Make sure you include your real name, pen name, or to tell us you want to remain anonymous.

We can also link to your website or E-mail address when your work is posted. Please indicate whether you'd like one or the other. If you do not, it's assumed you don't want to be linked to.

Art Submission Guidelines

If you'd like to send art, there's a few things to know. Send your image with a width greater than 450 pixels. Just about any file format that will be displayed by a web browser is accepted. JPEG files will work fine. The image of your art will be a link to a larger image of your art. Your name can be a link to your E-mail address or a link to a web page where your art is. Be sure to indicate the link you'd like. Be sure to include the title. When you send your art, put "ART" at the beginning of the subject of your E-mail.

Rights of Your Work

Writers retain all the rights to their work. We republish work. If work is republished here and mention of the original publisher is required, we're still fine with republishing. If this is the first place you'll be publishing your work, we don't require mention of us as the original publisher in future publications. Multiple poetry submissions are fine and will not affect our decision to or not to publish your work. Though, it may be relevant to other publishers you have submitted your work to.
If you do not receive a reply to your submission, you can assume your work has not been accepted.

We have absolutely no way of compensating you for your work beyond the personal satisfaction of sharing your work.

How To Submit

E-mail your work to:
Include "SUBMISSION" as the Subject. Format your poems well in the body of the E-mail. Include as many poems or prose as you'd like, but make sure they are separated in an obvious way.

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