Monday, November 05, 2007

Nana Comics

This Thai
in Bangkok
was too
fucking dumb
to realize
he’d stepped
in a world
of shit
when he put
pen to paper
and drew a
of the character
of Dick Tracy
for his forth-
comic series
entitled Swirly Face.
He envisioned a
graphic chronicle
of the real life
sex crimes of a
Canadian pedophile
sodomizing 9
year old boys
in Thailand.
All this artist
could think about
was the possible
revenue he’d
garden from its
He didn’t
give two shits
about American
copy right
He’d sell the series
to his Tokyo connection.
Japs love this sick shit
even more than Americans.

by Gene Mahoney

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Death of an Irish Father

Part One
An Irish Curse

Do you think I am without a father now?
Without love?
Without the one who cares
To hold the stronger up
And shoulder on
To cry
And chest upon
To lie my head
And hand of which
To squeeze and reach
For comfort?

a seed then
large and oak that
from the edges seed
that cracks
in dark and darkest

becomes in years of two or three or four
a stick
a staff
a leader

Held in Erin’s hand

In the hand of Aaron
In the land of Aaron

Ah Ah Rohn

Of Levi

Remunerative Priest

whose words of Moses pushed
An Irish curse

From forward proud
And chest defiant

Eloquent and fluent

invisible as
the tower of

On which my father stands
and waits

On my behalf

watching for
the trolls that hide
beneath the bridge

watching for the trolls of Erin.

by Mary Ann Sullivan

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